Raster Sources

Raster Sources — Supplying arbitrary image data


cairo_pattern_t *   cairo_pattern_create_raster_source  (void *user_data,
                                                         cairo_content_t content,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_callback_data
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *data);
void *              cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_callback_data
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_acquire
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t acquire,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_release_func_t release);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_acquire
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t *acquire,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_release_func_t *release);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_snapshot
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t snapshot);
cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_snapshot
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_copy
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t copy);
cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_copy
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);
void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_finish
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t finish);
cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_finish
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);
cairo_surface_t     (*cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         cairo_surface_t *target,
                                                         const cairo_rectangle_int_t *extents);
void                (*cairo_raster_source_release_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         cairo_surface_t *surface);
cairo_status_t      (*cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data);
cairo_status_t      (*cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t)  (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         const cairo_pattern_t *other);
void                (*cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data);


The raster source provides the ability to supply arbitrary pixel data whilst rendering. The pixels are queried at the time of rasterisation by means of user callback functions, allowing for the ultimate flexibility. For example, in handling compressed image sources, you may keep a MRU cache of decompressed images and decompress sources on the fly and discard old ones to conserve memory.

For the raster source to be effective, you must at least specify the acquire and release callbacks which are used to retrieve the pixel data for the region of interest and demark when it can be freed afterwards. Other callbacks are provided for when the pattern is copied temporarily during rasterisation, or more permanently as a snapshot in order to keep the pixel data available for printing.


cairo_pattern_create_raster_source ()

cairo_pattern_t *   cairo_pattern_create_raster_source  (void *user_data,
                                                         cairo_content_t content,
                                                         int width,
                                                         int height);

Creates a new user pattern for providing pixel data.

Use the setter functions to associate callbacks with the returned pattern. The only mandatory callback is acquire.

user_data :

the user data to be passed to all callbacks

content :

content type for the pixel data that will be returned. Knowing the content type ahead of time is used for analysing the operation and picking the appropriate rendering path.

width :

maximum size of the sample area

height :

maximum size of the sample area

Returns :

a newly created cairo_pattern_t. Free with cairo_pattern_destroy() when you are done using it.

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_callback_data ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_callback_data
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *data);

Updates the user data that is provided to all callbacks.

pattern :

the pattern to update

data :

the user data to be passed to all callbacks

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_callback_data ()

void *              cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_callback_data
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);

Queries the current user data.

pattern :

the pattern to update

Returns :

the current user-data passed to each callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_acquire ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_acquire
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t acquire,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_release_func_t release);

Specifies the callbacks used to generate the image surface for a rendering operation (acquire) and the function used to cleanup that surface afterwards.

The acquire callback should create a surface (preferably an image surface created to match the target using cairo_surface_create_similar_image()) that defines at least the region of interest specified by extents. The surface is allowed to be the entire sample area, but if it does contain a subsection of the sample area, the surface extents should be provided by setting the device offset (along with its width and height) using cairo_surface_set_device_offset().

pattern :

the pattern to update

acquire :

acquire callback

release :

release callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_acquire ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_acquire
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t *acquire,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_release_func_t *release);

Queries the current acquire and release callbacks.

pattern :

the pattern to query

acquire :

return value for the current acquire callback

release :

return value for the current release callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_snapshot ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_snapshot
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t snapshot);

Sets the callback that will be used whenever a snapshot is taken of the pattern, that is whenever the current contents of the pattern should be preserved for later use. This is typically invoked whilst printing.

pattern :

the pattern to update

snapshot :

snapshot callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_snapshot ()

cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_snapshot
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);

Queries the current snapshot callback.

pattern :

the pattern to query

Returns :

the current snapshot callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_copy ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_copy
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t copy);

Updates the copy callback which is used whenever a temporary copy of the pattern is taken.

pattern :

the pattern to update

copy :

the copy callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_copy ()

cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_copy
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);

Queries the current copy callback.

pattern :

the pattern to query

Returns :

the current copy callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_finish ()

void                cairo_raster_source_pattern_set_finish
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t finish);

Updates the finish callback which is used whenever a pattern (or a copy thereof) will no longer be used.

pattern :

the pattern to update

finish :

the finish callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_finish ()

cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t cairo_raster_source_pattern_get_finish
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern);

Queries the current finish callback.

pattern :

the pattern to query

Returns :

the current finish callback

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t ()

cairo_surface_t     (*cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         cairo_surface_t *target,
                                                         const cairo_rectangle_int_t *extents);

cairo_raster_source_acquire_func_t is the type of function which is called when a pattern is being rendered from. It should create a surface that provides the pixel data for the region of interest as defined by extents, though the surface itself does not have to be limited to that area. For convenience the surface should probably be of image type, created with cairo_surface_create_similar_image() for the target (which enables the number of copies to be reduced during transfer to the device). Another option, might be to return a similar surface to the target for explicit handling by the application of a set of cached sources on the device. The region of sample data provided should be defined using cairo_surface_set_device_offset() to specify the top-left corner of the sample data (along with width and height of the surface).

pattern :

the pattern being rendered from

callback_data :

the user data supplied during creation

target :

the rendering target surface

extents :

rectangular region of interest in pixels in sample space

Returns :

a cairo_surface_t

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_release_func_t ()

void                (*cairo_raster_source_release_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         cairo_surface_t *surface);

cairo_raster_source_release_func_t is the type of function which is called when the pixel data is no longer being access by the pattern for the rendering operation. Typically this function will simply destroy the surface created during acquire.

pattern :

the pattern being rendered from

callback_data :

the user data supplied during creation

surface :

the surface created during acquire

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t ()

cairo_status_t      (*cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data);

cairo_raster_source_snapshot_func_t is the type of function which is called when the pixel data needs to be preserved for later use during printing. This pattern will be accessed again later, and it is expected to provide the pixel data that was current at the time of snapshotting.

pattern :

the pattern being rendered from

callback_data :

the user data supplied during creation

Returns :

CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS on success, or one of the cairo_status_t error codes for failure.

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t ()

cairo_status_t      (*cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t)  (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data,
                                                         const cairo_pattern_t *other);

cairo_raster_source_copy_func_t is the type of function which is called when the pattern gets copied as a normal part of rendering.

pattern :

the cairo_pattern_t that was copied to

callback_data :

the user data supplied during creation

other :

the cairo_pattern_t being used as the source for the copy

Returns :

CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS on success, or one of the cairo_status_t error codes for failure.

Since 1.12

cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t ()

void                (*cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t)
                                                        (cairo_pattern_t *pattern,
                                                         void *callback_data);

cairo_raster_source_finish_func_t is the type of function which is called when the pattern (or a copy thereof) is no longer required.

pattern :

the pattern being rendered from

callback_data :

the user data supplied during creation

Since 1.12

See Also
